Never Give Up

Friday, August 24, 2012


Well, we've moved and are almost settled. Just a few more boxes that we need to unpack. We don't have internet yet, we have to get it before the hubster goes to school in two weeks, but for now we are using our phones. Cell phone service isn't very good where we are so I can't write as much as I wish. I hate not having internet, all of my recipes are on pinterest and it takes 30 minutes to load a page...i think we will end up getting a new service provider. I can't bring myself to pay close to $140 bucks for phones we can't use!

Anyways, the McDonalds about a mile down the road has free WiFi so maybe I will walk over there to to post?

Here are a few things that has happened...
Little man has started full on crawling,  right in the middle of the move. He was crawling a little but he is speed crawling now!
Little Man has also gotten TWO teeth! I think he may be cutting another, he slept horribly last night. He was up every two or three hours. He is also spitting up a lot more than his normal so I think the doctor is going to need to adjust his medication. Poor thing.
Miss A knows her numbers and counts to five, she is also doing a really good job with her letters and is practicing writing (tracing) them.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Slap Myself in the Face Every Morning

  ...not literally, but here lately I have found myself obsessing over the numbers on the scale. I go on a binge some days because it just slaps me in the face, I am an emotional eater and I need to stop this. Sometimes I step on the scale multiple times per day like its going to change or something. So I am going to step on it only once a week. I could also be eating better and I know that I am not doing everything that I can do to lose weight, so its a double slap. I have so many meals planned for when we move. I can't wait to get my pots and pans out and cook an actual meal. The, "use whatever is in the house so we don't have to move it", is getting kinda disgusting. Which are things that we would have moved with us and they would be in the pantry so its better to get it all out in two weeks rather than eating it when I am doing really good...right?

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Motivatonal Monday and a HOP

That is so true!

I am in my first ever blog hop today, yay! 

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
...and it's moving week, FINALLY. The garage is packed waiting to be loaded on the truck.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Do the Wubbzy Workout!

Today my little princess was a sick little princess so we did nothing but watch cartoons the whole day. On Pinterest I have seen some movie and TV series workouts. So I decided to make a workout for one of our most watched shows on our television, Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!...

I have done this twice today and it was interesting. My daughter thought I was going crazy and kept telling me to sit down.

I am not the creator of Wubbzy, my daughter is just a huge fan of his. All credit for the Wubbzy goodness goes to Bob Boyle and Nick Jr.. I just simply put a workout to the cute sayings the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! producers created. Now go get your workout on, its that easy!

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Friday, August 3, 2012

We Found a Townhouse!

We have FINALLY found our home for the next two years, it's an amazing three bedroom townhouse with a large kitchen and living room. We hope to move in by the middle of the month. The hubby is starting school next month is it already August??, so we hope to be settled in by then. Our new place is located right off the start of a 14 mile bike trail, perfect for the training that I have to start do. The Color Run is coming up fast and I need to get this butt into gear!

Turbo Fire isn't going as well as I hoped it would, I think its a combination of all the stress and not eating as healthy as I would like. I haven't lost much weight, 6 pounds total, and I am not really happy with that. I love this program though, that is why I am saying its the stress. I feel it working but I am not seeing results like I hoped I would see by now. I am very disappointed in myself but I will keep pushing through to the end. Hopefully once we move things will get better and we can get back into a normal routine.

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