Never Give Up

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

My family has been so busy these past two weeks so I haven't gotten to post much. I missed "weigh- in Wednesday" this past week, but I was able to get some pictures. I will share them in the next few days. My weight loss was kinda put on the back burner. My son has GERD and started spitting up brown, which they think could have possibly been blood, so we have been going to a lot of doctors appointments. I was also in my friends wedding this past weekend and was out of town. I also had to do some things to prepare for that, such as getting my nails done...which was long over due!

I haven't really lost or gained anything, although I did gain two pounds and then sweated them off this weekend. BUT now I am back from the wedding and they changed little man's medication so hopefully things will get easier. I am going in full force again and decided to start working out twice a day like I was the first two weeks, so hopefully that will get me back on track to losing this weight. I am doing the 7-day cleanse starting this weekend (I promise I will share that), so hopefully that will kick start things. We leave for the beach in ELEVEN DAYS for two weeks, long trip but we can really use the relaxation after how hard these past six months have been. We brought in this year with a high risk pregnancy which resulted in getting induced at 36 weeks, E ended up in the NICU and now he has sever GERD. We could really use a break about now and the little dude needs to meet his grandparents.

So get ready for a lot of picture posts in the next few days!

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